
The Friends of Littledean School - February 2022


Chair – Sophie Greenhalgh-Cook

Treasurer - Marie Williams

Secretary – Amy Evans

The Friends enjoy and rely on the support of active, hardworking parents, teachers and friends. They organise numerous events during the school year including children's discos, Easter events and our popular Christmas and Summer fayres.

The emphasis is not just to raise money, they also provide opportunities for everyone to get together and enjoy themselves.

The money raised is used for the benefit of all the children at Littledean School.  In recent years they have purchased Year 6 leavers presents, subsidised transport for school trips reducing the contributions we ask from parents, subsidised productions by theatre groups, covered the cost of outside play equipment, and have assisted the school in upgrading our computer equipment and class equipment such as iPads, and visualisers in every classroom to support interactive learning. The Friends have also covered the costs of end of year and Christmas discos, and they help by providing refreshments at school events.

 After a difficult couple of years due to COVID-19 now feels more important than ever to be able to support our school, keep the community spirit going, provide our children with new exciting upcoming events for them and the whole family to enjoy, all whilst raising much needed funds for our school.

The Friends are always happy to welcome new ideas and suggestions so please approach or contact Sophie, Amy, and Marie and come along to our meetings.

New members to the Friends are always welcomed and very much needed, so please consider it!