Lunch Time

At lunch time we have the choice of packed lunch brought from home or hot school meals provided by Caterlink.

Caterlink operate a menu system. Menus are issued to children on a Friday and as long as they are returned to school on a Monday morning they will have their choice of meal for the week.

Payment for school dinners is operated through our online payment system or through a Pay Point card, unfortunately we are not able to take cash or cheque. Full instruction on how to use Parentpay will be issued when your child starts school.
Are your family entitled to free school meals? If you claim Income Support, income based job seekers allowance or child tax credits where the household income is less than £16190 then you may be entitled. Please visit the Gloucestershire County Council website to make your application.
You will need a valid email address and your National Insurance Number. All applications are treated in confidence.
Fruit and Milk

The school subscribes to the ‘Free Fruit to Schools’ scheme and the ‘Cool Milk’ scheme.
A piece of fruit is provided for all infant children (Years R, 1 and 2) usually at morning break time. We encourage all our children to try different fruits.
Children under the age of 5 are given 1/3 pint of milk each day. Parents can buy into the Cool Milk scheme for children over the age of 5. This costs approximately £3.00 per term, applications can be made online at or contact the school office.