
Welcome to Chestnut Class
Chestnut Class is our Y3 & 4 children. Mrs Walters (Class Teacher), Mrs McGoldrick (Class Teacher on Monday and Wednesday afternoons), Mrs Bonser (Class Teaching Assistant) as well as Miss Mace (1:1 Teaching Assistant) and Miss Bailey (1:1 Teaching Assistant).
Curriculum Overview
 Our curriculum overview gives information about what we are learning in each subject this term. 
What are we reading in Chestnut Class?
Each term we read books by our focus author. The books are available for the children to read in the class book corner and we read one book by the author as a whole class together.
We are currently reading books by Philip Pullman. 
As a class we are reading the book 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'.

Our PE day is Tuesday and we are taught PE by our PE coach Mr Edwards. We ask that children come to school dressed in appropriate PE kit:

  • Black shorts/track suit bottoms
  • T-shirt in your house colour (red, green, blue, yellow) - no logos please
  • School jumper/cardigan 
  • Trainers/daps 

Earrings and watches MUST be REMOVED for all PE lessons.

We ask that all children try to read at least 3x a week and log their reading in their reading record. At the start of the term, you will receive your spelling words for each week of the term. Please support your child with practising their weekly spellings at home. We do a short spelling test every Thursday during our spelling lesson.
Thank you for your support!
Each week we focus on a different spelling pattern or spelling rule. During the week, children are given the opportunity to practise their spellings. 
On a Thursday we have a spelling test to see if children can apply the spelling pattern or rule. 
At the start of the term, you will receive your spelling words for each week of the term. Please support your child with practising their weekly spellings at home. 
Please find below the year 1/2 common exception word list, 3/4 statutory spelling lists as well as the spellings for each group per term.
Boosting your learning at home:
Please access the following websites/links for home learning resources: 
Phonics, Spelling and Vocabulary games 
Maths Games
To find out what's been going on in school, follow us on twitter @Littledeansch 
It is updated regularly so don't miss out - follow us! 
We encourage children to use TTRockStars to practice their times tables and corresponding division facts. We will periodically have TTRS tournaments throughout the year.